October Chores for Your Georgia Garden

The checklist for October gardening chores according to UGA’s Vegetable Garden Calendar:

October Garden Chores

  1. Choose the mild weather during this period to plant or transplant the following: beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, spinach and turnips. Plant your second planting of fall crops such as collards, turnips, cabbage, mustard and kale.  For variety recommendations see the Vegetable Planting Chart.
There is still time to plant lettuce and other cool-season greens.
There is still time to plant lettuce and other cool-season greens.

2.  Refurbish mulch to control weeds, and start adding leaves and other materials for the compost pile. Store your manure under cover to prevent leaching of nutrients.

3. Water deeply and thoroughly to prevent drought stress. Pay special attention to new transplants.

Seedlings will need water during October, which is usually one of our driest months.
Seedlings will probably need supplemental water during October, which is usually one of our driest months.

4. Harvest mature green peppers and tomatoes before frost gets them — it may not come until November, but be ready.

5. Harvest herbs and dry them in a cool, dry place.

Happy Fall Gardening!

Becky Griffin
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